
About Us
Creating Recipes
Lye Safety
Coloring Soap
Packaging Soap

We have tailored our batches to fit handmade loaf molds that generally produce 20 – 3 to 4.5 ounce bars per batch. The batch of wedding soap went to trace quickly and easily. It cured to perfection within 4 weeks.

Coloring Soap
For those of you who want to add color to your soaps, but want to stay natural”.


We’ve had a lot of positive feedback on the wedding soap, so we’ll start our recipe pages with this luxurious bar. For other soap recipes, use the links to the left. The wedding soap was originally crafted for my daughter’s July 2003 wedding to share with her guests. Our goal was a hard, cream-colored bar with superior lathering and moisturizing properties and this batch did not disappoint us. We used two cranberry fragrances, one with a mild sweet scent and the other more intense and tart.

Palm Oil – 27 ounces
Olive Oil – 27 ounces
Coconut Oil – 10 ounces
Grapeseed Oil – 1 ounce
Sweet Almond Oil – 1 ounce
Avocado Oil – .25 ounce
Shea Butter – .25 ounce

Distilled Water – 26 Ounces
Lye @10% Discount Factor – 9.9 Ounces
Lye @5% Discount Factor – 10.45 Ounces

See soapmaking instructions for additional prep information including gathering equipment, supplies and ingredients, preparing your work surface and lining your soap mold.

Instructions – Lye/Water
1. Weigh 26 oz distilled water into a lye/water safe container that is large enough to add and mix the lye into. We use a heat resistant 4-cup heavy duty Pyrex glass measuring cup which is perfect for the batch sizes we make. (See soapmaking instructions)

2. Put your rubber gloves on and carefully weigh out the amount of lye required (based on a 5 or 10%) discount into a plastic or glass measuring vessel. We used a 10% discount at 9.9 oz of lye based on our formulation. Before you pour the lye into the water, put on safety glasses or goggles and a breathing mask.

3. Clip a meat thermometer to the lye/water container and carefully pour the lye into the distilled water while stirring consistently until the lye is dissolved. There will be an almost immediate rise in temperature to approximately 160F. This is when the reaction is the strongest and the solution will emit fumes until it settles and begins to cool.

4. Place your lye/water solution in a well-ventilated area where there is no through-traffic and allow to cool. Continue to monitor the temperature while weighing out and heating your oils.

Instructions – Oils
5. Weigh all 8 oils and one butter into a stainless steel pot or other lye-friendly heating vessel.

6. Clip a candy thermometer to your oil container and place over low heat. Stir regularly and monitor the temperature.

7. At the moment that all fats have dissolved, remove from heat and allow to cool. 

Instructions – Saponify
8. Continue to monitor the temperatures of both the oils and water/lye solution. When they have each reached a temperature between 110F and 120F, they are ready for the next step.

9. Carefully pour the lye/water into the oils and stir for a few minutes.

10. Using your hand or stick blender, continue blending until the mixture comes to trace. Add fragrance at this time.

11. Pour your mixture into your pre-prepared mold and insulate.